在三院眼科基础之上,北京大学眼科中心于2001年10月成立,建筑面积10,000m2;集眼科临床、教学和科研于一体,为国家重点学科、北京市重点实验室、国家临床药理试验基地。眼科中心由美国约翰霍普金斯大学曹安民教授担任首任主任, 2010年4月-2014年9月,我国著名眼底病专家马志中教授继任主任,王薇教授、郝燕生教授任副主任。2014年10月起,由王薇教授担任主任,洪晶教授、王常观副主任医师担任副主任。2018年8月后, 洪晶副主任主持工作并分管科研工作,王常观主任医师、陈跃国教授分别担任医疗副主任及教学副主任。
眼科中心设有病床80张,日门诊量逾千人次,年手术量20,000例。外省病人转诊比例由2001年的5%增长到2010年的34%以上,表明我中心的诊疗实力在全国眼病患者心目中的影响力日益突显。现有专业医师61人,具博士学位者超过80%,高级职称专业人员42人、博士生导师7人,硕士生导师9人。中心成立至今培养博士后3名,博士生80名,硕士生63名,进修医300余名。眼科中心拥有世界最先进的眼科设备及眼科医疗、教学和科研平台,跻身于国内Top Ten最主要眼科机构之一。
位于眼科中心大楼六、七层的眼科研究所,占地1,125m2。拥有激光共聚焦显微镜、超高速冷冻离心机、视觉电生理仪、荧光显微镜及照相系统、凝胶成像系统、超薄冰冻切片机、梯度PCR仪等先进实验设备和实验平台。拥有病理研究室、分子生物学实验室、眼库、免疫实验室、干细胞实验室、超微结构实验室,以及Dry Lab和Wet Lab两个教学实验室,是功能强大的眼科基础研究平台,是北京市唯一具备临床病毒检验资质的眼科实验室。眼科中心秉承北京大学医疗机构的特点,十分重视科研工作,2010年至今在国外权威眼科杂志共发表122篇SCI论文,在研课题基金包括国家自然科学基金、科技部“973”课题基金、北京市自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、北京市科委基金、教育部新教师基金等,基金总数逾千万。
Peking University Eye Center, located in Peking University Third Hospital Eye Center Building, was first built in October, 2001 on the basis of Ophthalmology Department of Peking University Third Hospital which established in 1958. With a total construction area of 10,000m2, Peking University Eye Center is one of the National Key Disciplines which integrates ophthalmology clinic, education and science research.Professor Mark Tso from Johns Hopkins University was the first director of Eye Center.
Peking University Eye Center has 9 branches: virectomy retina, cataract, ocular trauma & intraocular lens, corneal diseases, glaucoma, optometry, pediatric ophthalmology, medical retinal diseases and oculoplastic surgery.We have absorbed a large group of renowned Chinese ophthalmologists to join us.
Peking University Eye Center has 80 beds with over 1000 daily outpatients’ visits and a year operation quantity of 20,000.The ratio of patients from other cities of the nation increased from 14% in 2001 to 50% in 2015, which marks the increasing nationwide influence of Peking University Eye Center’s.6 doctoral supervisors and 9 master’s supervisors have trained 3 post doctors, 80 doctors, 63 masters and over 300 advanced study doctors.
Peking University Eye Center established Office of Prevention & Treatment of Blindness, National Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Peking University Diabetic Eye Disease Center, National Eye Injury Vitrectomy Database, and operated an average amount of 3000 cataract surgeries for Health Express Program.We have built good reputation at the diagnosis of difficult cases in terms of etiology, pathology and genetics.
Peking University Eye Center attaches great importance to scientific researches.Since 2001, over 100 SCI articles are published.On-going research projects include National Natural Science Fund, Chinese Science and Technology Ministry “973” project, Chinese Education Ministry “211” project, Beijing Natural Science Fund, Chinese Education Ministry Doctoral Program, etc.
Equipped with world advanced ophthalmic facilities and machines, Peking University Eye Center is one of the Top Ten Ophthalmology Departments in China.
在三院眼科基础之上,北京大学眼科中心于2001年10月成立,建筑面积10,000m2;集眼科临床、教学和科研于一体,为国家重点学科、北京市重点实验室、国家临床药理试验基地。眼科中心由美国约翰霍普金斯大学曹安民教授担任首任主任, 2010年4月-2014年9月,我国著名眼底病专家马志中教授继任主任,王薇教授、郝燕生教授任副主任。2014年10月起,由王薇教授担任主任,洪晶教授、王常观副主任医师担任副主任。2018年8月后, 洪晶副主任主持工作并分管科研工作,王常观主任医师、陈跃国教授分别担任医疗副主任及教学副主任。
眼科中心设有病床80张,日门诊量逾千人次,年手术量20,000例。外省病人转诊比例由2001年的5%增长到2010年的34%以上,表明我中心的诊疗实力在全国眼病患者心目中的影响力日益突显。现有专业医师61人,具博士学位者超过80%,高级职称专业人员42人、博士生导师7人,硕士生导师9人。中心成立至今培养博士后3名,博士生80名,硕士生63名,进修医300余名。眼科中心拥有世界最先进的眼科设备及眼科医疗、教学和科研平台,跻身于国内Top Ten最主要眼科机构之一。
位于眼科中心大楼六、七层的眼科研究所,占地1,125m2。拥有激光共聚焦显微镜、超高速冷冻离心机、视觉电生理仪、荧光显微镜及照相系统、凝胶成像系统、超薄冰冻切片机、梯度PCR仪等先进实验设备和实验平台。拥有病理研究室、分子生物学实验室、眼库、免疫实验室、干细胞实验室、超微结构实验室,以及Dry Lab和Wet Lab两个教学实验室,是功能强大的眼科基础研究平台,是北京市唯一具备临床病毒检验资质的眼科实验室。眼科中心秉承北京大学医疗机构的特点,十分重视科研工作,2010年至今在国外权威眼科杂志共发表122篇SCI论文,在研课题基金包括国家自然科学基金、科技部“973”课题基金、北京市自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、北京市科委基金、教育部新教师基金等,基金总数逾千万。
Peking University Eye Center, located in Peking University Third Hospital Eye Center Building, was first built in October, 2001 on the basis of Ophthalmology Department of Peking University Third Hospital which established in 1958. With a total construction area of 10,000m2, Peking University Eye Center is one of the National Key Disciplines which integrates ophthalmology clinic, education and science research.Professor Mark Tso from Johns Hopkins University was the first director of Eye Center.
Peking University Eye Center has 9 branches: virectomy retina, cataract, ocular trauma & intraocular lens, corneal diseases, glaucoma, optometry, pediatric ophthalmology, medical retinal diseases and oculoplastic surgery.We have absorbed a large group of renowned Chinese ophthalmologists to join us.
Peking University Eye Center has 80 beds with over 1000 daily outpatients’ visits and a year operation quantity of 20,000.The ratio of patients from other cities of the nation increased from 14% in 2001 to 50% in 2015, which marks the increasing nationwide influence of Peking University Eye Center’s.6 doctoral supervisors and 9 master’s supervisors have trained 3 post doctors, 80 doctors, 63 masters and over 300 advanced study doctors.
Peking University Eye Center established Office of Prevention & Treatment of Blindness, National Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory, Peking University Diabetic Eye Disease Center, National Eye Injury Vitrectomy Database, and operated an average amount of 3000 cataract surgeries for Health Express Program.We have built good reputation at the diagnosis of difficult cases in terms of etiology, pathology and genetics.
Peking University Eye Center attaches great importance to scientific researches.Since 2001, over 100 SCI articles are published.On-going research projects include National Natural Science Fund, Chinese Science and Technology Ministry “973” project, Chinese Education Ministry “211” project, Beijing Natural Science Fund, Chinese Education Ministry Doctoral Program, etc.
Equipped with world advanced ophthalmic facilities and machines, Peking University Eye Center is one of the Top Ten Ophthalmology Departments in China.